Sunday 9 February 2014

Mr K

"Hiiii! How do? How was Thursday for you?

Thought you looked rather gorgeous, and don't have too much of the weirdo look about you.. ;) so i thought i'd say hey! Where abouts you from? (Name) x"

Well good day to you sir,

May I say how pleased I am that you've deemed me decent-looking and not too much of a weirdo. I would say the same goes for you, but I'm more preoccupied with how familiar you look - I'm pretty sure we went to uni together. In fact, I'm 100% sure we did...

You obviously don't remember me, so please allow me to refresh your memory. On my 21st birthday, a couple of my good friends came to visit me at uni, and we went for a night out to a nearby 'posh' bar. I was absolutely delighted when a bottle of prosecco with a sparkler in it appeared; a nice little surprise my friends had arranged for me. All was well.

Now our uni was pretty small, making it easy to recognise other students - even if they're from a different year group, so as you stumbled over to our booth (presumably attracted by the pretty sparkling light) I vaguely recognised you. You said happy birthday and attempted to chat up my friend, but she wasn't really interested, so you slithered away and we carried on with the rest of our night. Surely that was the end of it? No. Apparently you don't give up that easily. 

As our night drew to a close you decided to take another swoop at my friend. After a lot more alcohol she was far more susceptible to your advances (good for you, pal!), and you managed to persuade her to take you home. To my house. Obviously I don't know the details of what happened once you two got upstairs, but my friend was in a real hurry to leave the next morning, and I had to go to work, leaving you with my other friend who had been out with us. After about an hour of trying to get you to leave as she had a train to catch, you finally got up and re-dressed, and the two of you got on the bus back into the centre of town. You must have been a little bit more awake by this point, as you then proceeded to try and chat up my other mate on the journey. Unfortunately there was no alcohol available this time, so you weren't quite able to 'seal the deal'. But hey, I'm sure when you went home you told your mates you banged both of them, right? No problem - your ego stays in tact; my friend leaves without the stench of regret hanging over her; life goes on.

And now here you are, oblivious to the fact that you were the underwhelming ending to a significant milestone night.

So let's take a look at your profile - maybe you've changed; maybe you don't need to hang around attaxi ranks  at 3am anymore... maybe you could be the man I'm looking for?

"I'll find any chance to wind someone up. My favourite wind-up was one played on my former housemate who was eagerly waiting results from a STI check. Using my work phone I text him with some concerning news in a very convincing format which completely ruined his whole weekend"

Oh wow. You're a real keeper aren't you! Didn't anyone tell you you catch more flies with honey than fake STI results? Never mind, I'll persevere - that's what you would do right? Never give up...

"I'd love to pretend that I'd take you to the zoo or the aquarium and enjoy the perfect day together, but in reality it's going to be a quick after-work drink somewhere with plenty of windows to allow for discrete exits"

Really? This is what I trawled through 6 paragraphs, plus a ridiculous list of likes/dislikes for? Just a hint: you should probably list some likes as well as dislikes, otherwise you come off as a bit of a tosser... Even more so than in the other 6 paragraphs...

And so, Mr K, I will not be going out with you. Ever. I could never date a man who loves his job in Digital Marketing and hates the word brunch.

H.O.T.T.O.G.O. (naaaaaaaaaaaat!)
This Girl

Wednesday 22 January 2014

Machine Pt. II


how are you ?
hows ya weekend been so far ?

I came across your profile and would be interested in knowing more about you .Please

have a look at my profile and let me know if you would like to liaise further .

by the way i like ur hair style
is that your hair colour real ?

Looking forward to hearing from u soon


best regards

sent by phone

Oh Phone, it's you again! Wow, didn't think I'd ever say this but I was actually starting to miss you - these real boys are nowhere near as entertaining!

Have you updated your software or something? I think there may be some bugs in your system - you can no longer capitalise the first letter of a sentence (something that machines automatically do for us lazy human beings these days).

If it wasn't for those three ridiculous sign offs you would have had me fooled - asking about my natural hair colour? That was a stroke of genius! They never would have caught you in Blade Runner...

Not interested in liaising any further,

This Girl

Sunday 12 January 2014


"OMG your tastes in music are quite identical to mine. I too enjoy 80s music and 90s Hip Hop

Would you care to name which artists or particular songs

Cool profile you have, you seem like a sweetheart"

WTF! What kind of man starts off a message with ridiculous teen girl text speak? Especially when the words that follow are so formal - "Ah yes, I too enjoy the music of previous decades..."

Not sure what you're trying to get at with that little quiz about songs and artists - It's almost as if you don't believe that two people could have similar/quite identical music tastes? Not quite the OMG moment you think it is, but I guess I should admire the enthusiasm you're bringing to the party.

FYI, a little more punctuation would be great - you started so you may as well finish, right?

LOL This Girl

Saturday 28 December 2013


"*Ignores wet floor sign, slips into your inbox* Well hello!x"

Oh dear. 

I get the feeling that if I ever spent more than five minutes in your company, I would want to chew off my own arm. This kind of 'humour' is nauseating - as soon as I read this I actually cringed for you. I can't even begin to comprehend how embarrassing it must have been for you to write!

Hopefully this isn't the kind of thing a 22 year old man spends time thinking up by himself, so ai'm going to assume fort your sake that you heard it elsewhere? Well if it was on TV, demand your licence fee back; at some kind of live show, get a refund for your ticket; from a mate, declare the friendship over - this is some sick joke that's been played on you!

I'm nearly considering dating you out of pity... Nearly...

This Girl

Sunday 22 September 2013


"i already rated you 5/5 stars and i looked for more than five stars , unfortunately there isn't
but you deserve 100 stars , maybe more ,maybe all the shining stars in the sky
;-) :-D"

Alright Romeo,

That's way too much cheese for any girl to take! I hope you haven't laid it on this thick with everyone? Maybe this is the reason you've decided online dating is the way to go - all the girls back home must be tired of this sort of chat...

Hold on, speaking of back home - you're from Tunisia? In what possible reality do you think there could ever be any kind of relationship between us?! Even the guys just looking for hook-ups stay local! This suggests to me that you've even tried all the neighbouring countries, with no luck. Surely that proved this kind of line DOESN'T WORK?!

Think about it.
This Girl

Friday 20 September 2013


"Hey! You look like an intelligent and classy bird! I'm fit, strong, handsome and looking for a bird like you to shag. I don't charge teehee xoxox

Message me back 4 the time of ur life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Wow Mr Modest, those sure are a lot of exclamation marks(!) 

As you cleverly identified, I am an 'intelligent and classy bird'. Therefore, I think you know full well what's coming your way right now...

Please carry out your search for a 'bird like me' elsewhere.

Apart from your horrific use of Xs and Os (Are you Gossip Girl?), I can clearly see in your profile pictures that you are definitely not handsome, which also makes you a liar. Luckily in most of them you've hidden your face with your phone while taking selfies in the mirror. 

If you are going to take photos of yourself in your bedroom, at least make your bed - it makes you look like a tramp! Were you waiting for your mummy to come and do it? Maybe she was too busy doing your washing, seeing as the only clean clothes you seem to have are a single pair of grey jogging bottoms (not wearing a top I see - I've mentioned that this is my pet peeve).

I think there are definitely a few improvements to be made before you'll convince any other 'classy birds' to come near you. Time to get a life coach!

This Girl

Thursday 19 September 2013


"nice boobs :)"

Same to you mate - I can see yours through your tank top that's way too small. Oh sorry, you thought it made you look 'hench' and muscly? Nope! Just makes you look fat.

At least I'm meant to have boobs...
This Girl